Made for Good We believe that the practice and the planet are
intertwined. To honor one, we honor both.
Since the beginnings of the Black Mat, Manduka has been inspired and guided by a responsibility to reduce global consumption by making better products that last longer.
Our design approach is rooted in principles of conservancy and transparency, creating mats, towels, props and apparel while also making every possible effort to minimize environmental waste. We’re constantly searching for innovative partners and updated technologies to further respect the land upon which we place our mats and our intentions.

As a company, we understand the impossibility of leaving no environmental footprint. But what we can commit to is 100% transparency, being clear about the decisions we make and, most importantly, where we have room to improve.
We consistently strive to be better, stronger, kinder and more conscious of our actions and their global impact.
Sustainability isn’t simply a story.
It’s part of our DNA and part of our evolving practice.
Soulfully Engineered No other yoga mat is built with the precision and passion of Manduka. Designed by yogis and loved by teachers worldwide, carefully-selected materials are paired with thoughtful design for the tiniest environmental footprint possible. The result? High performance products with an even higher purpose - to keep the focus on your practice.